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Branding, Design Briana Summers Branding, Design Briana Summers

what is a strategic branding approach and why does it cost more?

So, what is a strategic branding approach? It’s an in-depth approach that starts with us getting to know Y-O-U, doing research on your business and your audience, and compiling that information to first and foremost build a brand strategy. From there, we continue to make strategic choices based on our research and everything we outline in the brand strategy in order to make calculated design decisions as we build out your branding.

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Branding Briana Summers Branding Briana Summers

why I only present one branding concept

If you’ve been thinking about working with us you might be wondering, “How many options will you give me when we start branding?” And you might be surprised to know that my answer is — ONE! Now before you’re like what the heck, that's not enough… let me explain.

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