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welcome to the brighten made blog
2024 year in review
In true Brighten Made fashion, I’m sharing some highs and lows for 2024.
Why We Chose to Work with an SEO Team
Why we chose to hire an SEO specialist for Brighten Made + why it could be a game-changer for your business too. From expert keyword research to data-driven strategies, find out how the right team can save you time and drive measurable results.
Business Tools I Use as an Entrepreneur
If you’re an entrepreneur you already know it can be a wild ride. When I started my business 7 years ago I was doing all the things solo and it was DRAINING. I quickly realized that I needed to find tools to help streamline my business or I was going to lose it. That paired with hiring a team (more on that in this blog post!), was a saving grace. Now, I still swear by these business tools as my ride-or-die way to get more done in less time.
How I Knew I Was Ready to Hire a Team
From solo entrepreneur to a boss with two full-time employees and one part-time, here are three things I did when I knew I was ready to take the leap and hire an employee for the first time.
2023 year in review
In true Brighten Made fashion, I’m sharing some highs and lows for 2023.
The Number One Mistake I See New Business Owners Make
Your business name is SO important! Here are four things to do before you decide on a name.
what no one ever told me about entrepreneurship
With nearly 7 years of entrepreneurship under my belt, I’ve learned a thing or two — and here’s what no one tells you about it.
2022 year in review
Each week during our team meeting, I have my employees share their highs and lows from the week. So today I’m sharing with you my honest highs and lows from the year.
get to know the boss babe behind brighten made
Margarita enthusiast, dog mom, enneagram three — get to know the lead designer and business owner behind Brighten Made.
get to know senior designer erica
Dog mom and BIG Green Bay Packers fan — come meet our senior designer, Erica Gloeckler.
get to know senior designer rachel
Kombucha enthusiast, reality tv fanatic, and avid runner — come meet one of our senior designers, Rachel Walter.
get to know our project manager and copy guru
Project manager, mama, writer, wife, organizing extraordinaire — these are just a few words to describe our Brighten Made project manager, Lauren Lowry.