why you should be building a personal brand
march 11, 2022
Category: education
why you should be building a personal brand
Pro Tip: Building your business on social media goes beyond just sharing client work.
Creating a successful business on social media doesn’t happen overnight. A few weeks ago I shared five of my tips to build your Instagram and attract dream clients, and now I’m back to touch on one of those tips a little more — sharing more than just client work.
I’m the first to admit that getting in front of the camera can feel uncomfortable and awkward at times but guess what — people connect with people, point-blank. You could have the most beautiful, curated Instagram feed but if all you’re showcasing is client work and your followers never get the chance to get to know YOU, you’re going to be disappointed in your social engagement and growth.
We are emotional beings and we crave connection more than ever before (hello, we’re recovering from a global pandemic). We want to relate. We want to feel like we’re not alone. Your client work simply cannot give off that same connection as your face will.
With all of that being said here are a few ideas to consider adding to your social feed along with all of those client goodies!
TIPS! Everyone loves helpful content. Your audience wants and is looking for content of value. Are you the queen of illustrations? Share a cute little how-to as a Reel or your favorite tips to start a custom illustration. Are you knocking it out of the park with your Pinterest strategy? Share some of your favorite tips. You’re an expert — share some of that knowledge!
Y-O-U. Again, people want to know people! Get in front of the camera and let your audience know a little bit about you. How long have you been in the biz? What’s your favorite font? What’s your backstory?
BEHIND THE SCENES. So many people love behind-the-scenes content! It’s fun to see what actually goes into building a site. This type of content is also great to consider doing for those Instagram Reels. Tip: An easy way to do this is by simply recording your screen as you design a website or build a brand!
LIFE! What are you passionate about outside of design!? Do you have any cool hobbies or interests that make you, you? For example, I LOVE home decor and my home decor is a natural fit for my design aesthetic so you’ll see me frequently sharing that! Do you have a favorite lash serum you’re dying to let people know about? Are you on that Peloton kick and have workouts you want to share? Do you have fur babies or real babies you love to dote on? SHARE ‘EM.
I know it can feel scary and seem like no one cares to see who’s behind the scenes but I promise you they do! Sharing more than client work also gives people a reason to follow you beyond just what you’re selling. If you’re still not convinced, I invite you to join me for the Brighten Blueprint.
30+ content ideas for designers
Let’s recap — Potential clients want to connect with YOU. Humans CONNECT with humans. When you build a relationship with your community, you turn your followers into a loyal fan base that will buy from you for years to come. To get you started I’m sharing 30+ content ideas for freeeeee!