2021 year in review
December 31, 2021
Category: business
2021 year in review
As this year comes to a close, my inner enneagram 3 can’t help but look back on this past year and reflect (if you know, you know). It’s been such a season of growth and with the highs have come the lows.
As this year comes to a close, my inner enneagram 3 can’t help but look back on this past year and reflect. I love reflection and new beginnings — anyone else?
It has been such a season of growth and what might appear to be just a lot of highlights but I want you to know that with all the highlights come some lows too.
So here’s an honest look at how the year went for me. it started off really rocky and it made me question myself a lot but I pushed through and am looking forward to what 2022 has in store.
the highlights
Booked one project that equated to my first corporate salary out of college.
Grew a design team and hired two full-time employees.
Had rave reviews from amazing clients and worked on a lot of creatively fulfilling projects.
Hit my revenue goal for the year in October.
Launched a second business — Brighten Living.
Worked on a DREAM project with a female entrepreneur that I’ve looked up to from day one.
The Lows
Struggled with my health — spent hours in doctors’ offices and cried searching for answers.
Was diagnosed with celiac disease and had to completely change my lifestyle.
Wrestled with comparison and feeling like an imposter at times.
Dealt with growing pains and hiring new employees during a pandemic (seriously, though when will this end!?).
Didn’t know how to be a “boss”.
Overworked, burnt out, and questioned my business decisions.
With all of that being said, cheers to 2022!