three tips to stay inspired when working from home

january 24, 2022

Category: personal

three tips to stay inspired when working from home

Spoiler Alert: It goes beyond keeping a clean office space.


It’s no secret that the pandemic brought soooo many more people to the home office crew. Take it from someone who’s been at it for a while — setting yourself up for success to work from home is CRUCIAL. I’ve narrowed it down to three easy-to-follow tips that have helped me to stay inspired in my many years working from home and I hope they bring you some inspiration and motivated days ahead, too!

Tip #3 | set the tone

Tip number three on my list starts with setting the right tone in your space. If you have a great spot and ambiance to get to work you’ll find yourself so much more inspired and motivated to get work done. I like to do this by opening the blinds or curtains in my office to bring in as much natural light as possible! If your office doesn’t have any natural light, I recommend spending a little time somewhere that does. 

Once you’ve got your blinds open and that natural light shining in consider lighting a candle or diffusing some essential oils. Add in a killer Spotify playlist (mine linked here!) and you’ll have set the mood for a creative and inspiring day of work! 


Tip #2 | fill your space with positive vibes

Create a workspace that makes you happy! It seems simple enough but remember to still keep it minimal and clean — too much (of even the good stuff!) can be distracting. I love filling my space with bright decor items that always lift my spirits! With that in mind, make sure you keep important papers organized in a filing folder or bin. 

Nothing says positive vibes quite like your favorite drink — whether that’s coffee, tea, or just a big ol’ glass of water. I love having some iced coffee in an inspirational glass at hand to start my day!

mac desktop computer screen

Tip #1 | start with a clean space

This goes beyond just your office space. You might be surprised by how much more productive you feel after you spend 15 minutes picking up your house before diving into work. I’ve found that I feel so much more at ease without a bunch of distractions sitting out and knowing that the rest of my house isn’t in shambles.


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