2023 year in review
January 2, 2024
Category: business, Personal
2023 year in review
this year has been a whirlwind to say the least, so let’s do a fun recap of everything that’s happened — shall we?
It’s a blend of both work and life because sometimes my business and personal blur together in the most beautiful and chaotic way. Sooooo in true Brighten Made team meeting fashion, I’m going to cover some highs and lows of 2023.
the highlights
Giving birth to my baby girl, Navy! She’s my everything and has completely changed the way I think about life and business.
A successfully unplugged maternity lave that my team handled like total champs. They didn’t just keep the lights on, they kept the business running smoothly and effectively and I’m SO proud of them!
73 new projects booked! From big to small, old clients and new, we did WORK. (Might I add really creative, epic work too!)
We launched our pre-made branding kits and illustration packs for those business owners wanting to get Brighten Made vibes but aren’t able to work with us directly. We also sold out of our first round of kits sooooo fast which felt like a huge win!
Going to the Eras tour and singing + dancing my 7-month pregnant heart out.
Overhauling our team processes and continuing to refine, evaluate, and repeat. I feel really good about where things are at and where they’re headed!
Lastly, bringing my entire team to Des Moines so that we could all see each other face-to-face. Slack and Zoom is great and all but real life is where it’s at.
The Lows
Personally struggling with a difficult pregnancy and begin sick for a full nine months! For the first time ever, I was forced to slow down and not do allllll the things which I think was actually a good thing but no doubt pregnancy was ROUGH for me.
The with the mom guilt that came from going back to work and wanting to continue to build my business but wanting to spend all the time I can with my girl too.
Not hitting my original projected goals for the year.
Saying goodbye to Brighten Living, for now, as well as other aspects of my business so that I can focus on the things I really want to focus on.
Having an identity crisis and suddenly despising pampas grass and disco balls out of nowhere. What happened to me!?!?
This year has been both SO rewarding and fulfilling and so challenging at the same time! Full of so many highs and some lows and mixed emotions. 2023 was a true roller coaster, but I wouldn’t change any of it. As a team and as a business owner, we’re heading into 2024 feeling fresh and ready for wherever the year takes us. Cheers!