5 Tips to Successfully Launch Your New Brand
May 1, 2024
Category: branding
5 tips to successfully launch your new brand
tl;dr if your brand doesn’t have that wow factor, your brand launch won’t either.
It’s a question we get time and time again, “How should I go about launching my brand!?” Well friends, let me be the first to say that it doesn’t have to be stressful! This is such an exciting time for your business — like hi, you DID IT! You invested in yourself and your biz and let’s be honest that can be quite the feat in itself. So let’s take the stress out of your brand launch, I’m sharing five tips to follow for a successful launch whether you’re a brand new biz or rebranding. Check them out and let us know what you think!
1 | Take Your Time
I know this is going to be SO hard and trust me when I say I GET IT. When you go through the branding process or a rebrand it’s so dang exciting, and it should be, but there can be a benefit to taking your time when it comes to your launch. First and foremost, giving yourself plenty of time ensures you have all your necessary items ready to switch over (see point two). It also allows you to create a sense of hype for your brand or launch.
If you’re starting a brand from scratch, you’ll likely want to share some of your branding assets on social media before you officially launch to create some hype around the new brand. The main point of this tip is to make sure you give yourself enough time to get everything ready so you’re launching with a clear plan AND have all of your assets ready to go. Basically, don’t rush and half a** your launch, ya know!?
This might feel like an over-exaggeration but I promise it’s not. We go ALL OUT for your branding to make sure that you can create something memorable as heck for your audience so why wouldn’t you take things a step further and brand everything you can!? Make sure you’re creating an impact with your audience and everything is cohesive. It’ll result in a better experience for your audience and make things easier for you long-term. As far as launching your new brand or rebrand is concerned, make sure you have everything branded before the official launch — think website, freebies, that guide your selling, your entire course, thank you cards, packaging, etc.
With that being said, it's okay to give yourself grace to an extent! When you run a product-based business, for example, you may have old inventory with your previous logo on it. I never want to recommend waste, so use up what you have! I think in a perfect world you could flip a light switch and everything would be re-branded but sometimes you have to do it in phases and that's okay! I promise your audience will understand and likely won't notice a small detail that you would. However, keep in mind that this should be a temporary switch and that it isn't something that just lives on the backburner foreva either.
3 | Create Hype
Once you have everything ready, you can plan out your launch day. How you approach your launch and the hype around it is entirely up to you. You can wait and roll out your new brand all at once as a total surprise sans the hype or you can start showing sneak peeks too. Personally, I’d recommend at a minimum that you start building up sommmmme sort of hype a week before your planned launch by sharing that you have something fun coming and including a countdown, but again, this is up to you! There’s no harm in doing a cold launch but at the same time why waste a great opportunity to drum up some excitement and interest around your brand!? On that note, if your rebrand includes a new name, we definitely recommend staying FAR away from a cold launch. Otherwise, your audience will be like wait... new phone who this? we want to make sure you allow your audience a transition period to familiarize themselves with your new brand's name.
One of the most impactful ways to get people interested in your launch or rebrand is to build up anticipation and curiosity. One of my favorite ways to do that is through teasing my audience with fun hints and clues T Swift style. You could also opt for the previously mentioned countdown or use sneak peeks as another way to tease your audience that something good is coming. If you’re a product-based brand or a course creator, consider offering limited-time deals, exclusive access, or early-bird discounts. Integrate these promotions organically into your content calendar for social and email, and you’ll be surprised how easy it is to get people hyped for your new brand.
Spoiler alert: The more excited people get about your business the better so capitalize on this opportunity to create some anticipation and reap the benefits on launch day.
4 | Know Your Audience
First things first, if you’re rebranding or launching a new brand from scratch knowing your audience is step numero uno. When we craft a brand we’re doing it from a STRATEGIC perspective with your audience top-of-mind. With that being said, take that same knowledge and let it guide your launch plan. All of that effort and content to hype up your launch is going to go to waste if it’s not getting in front of the eyes of your target audience. When you know your audience, it’s SO much easier to figure out when and how you should market your biz to them.
I KNOW no one likes to think about the competition and I 100% get that but sometimes there’s a benefit to researching what your competitors are doing. What is their audience like? Who are they targeting and how are they promoting their business? Are there influencers in the space you could utilize for your launch? The answers to these questions might be invaluable as you start crafting your launch plan.
5 | launch with a plan
When it’s time to launch your new brand or rebrand, you’re trying to make an unforgettable impact so launch with a bang (and a solid plan)! Remember to be strategic, know your audience, generate hype, and consider launching with something a little extra. Consider hosting a live event, creating a webinar, guest interviewing on a podcast, or creating a fun and engaging video for your debut. Other engaging ideas to add ONE more element to your launch are — doing a contest or giveaway, posing a challenge on social media, or creating a quiz. While none of these extras are necessary for your brand launch itself, they’re fun ideas to take things to the next level AND are something to keep in mind if you launch a new service, product, course, etc. in the future.
get One Step Closer to Creating a Major WOW Moment
Let’s face it, you can follow allllll the steps above but if your branding is lackluster the odds you’ll create a wow moment for your audience during your brand launch is on the slim side. In other words, your launch is only going to create a wow moment if your branding itself has that WOW factor. Hi, we’re Brighten Made and we’re the first step.