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welcome to the brighten made blog
2020 year in review
While 2020 has gotten a bad rap, it’s been a weird blessing in a lot of ways as well. I feel like I learned more about myself than any year prior and when all h*ll broke loose, it made me realize what truly matters in life. So here’s the recap of my year, sayonara 2020.
spring home tour
I’m finallllly sharing an updated home tour! While we still have plans to make some changes, I’m excited to share the state of house as it is now and embracing it for all that it is!
house building questions and answers
Over the past several months, Joe and I have been working hard to customize and build our new home together! It’s been such a fun process (hello, we’re both designers, ha!) that I’m actually a little sad for it to end. I asked the Insta fam what questions they had for me about the house building process, and while we still have a month left, I wanted to share the experience so far.
all about transitioning from a side-gig to a full-time freelancer
It’s one of the most asked questions I get — what was the transition like going from working a full-time, corporate job and having a side-gig to being a full-time freelancer? So let’s dive in!
brighten made is two!
Two years (and a day) ago, I decided to launch Brighten Made. Unsure of what would come of it and a little nervous of what others would think, I did it anyways. And I’m so glad I did. Here are 3 lessons I’ve learned in the past two years!
3 changes I made to my ever-evolving design process
When I look back at where I was a year ago in my business - my process in particular was so very different. Process in general is such a broad term that I could probably write about FOR DAYS, but in this post I want to share a few major shifts that I made over the past year and how it’s impacted my clients and my work.
a glimpse into our rainy-day wedding
How our rainy day wedding turned out to be the magical, garden-inspired day of our dreams.
7 lessons I learned from my first year as a full-time business owner
After one year of full-time self-employment there have been SO many highs and lows with so many learning points. So here are the top 7 lessons I learned from my first year as a full-time business owner.
my real life design story
What’s your design background? Where did you go to school? I’m sharing all of that and more today!
brighten made is one!
A year ago today I launched Brighten Made. Since then #allthethings have changed both professionally and personally!