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Web Design, Education Briana Summers Web Design, Education Briana Summers

My Favorite Way to Generate Leads Online

I’m covering what the heck the term lead generation means and why it’s SO important for small businesses. Plus, I’m sharing my favorite way to generate leads online — spoiler: it’s freebies. The dos and don’ts of creating a valuable freebie for your audience and six proven lead-generating freebie ideas for you to take and implement on your own!

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Web Design Briana Summers Web Design Briana Summers

Product Photography Styling Tips + WHY It Matters

Your website photography plays a crucial role in showcasing your products effectively, communicating the look and feel of your brand, and driving those sales! Quality product photography can make or break your store's online success, especially as a small business. Standout imagery will not only showcase your goods in the best light possible but it also creates a sense of trust and credibility for potential customers — all of which will influence those buying decisions.

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Personal Briana Summers Personal Briana Summers

My Maternity Leave Recap

Wanna know the number one question I got asked when I was pregnant? And no, I’m not saying this to sound like the stereotypical influencer who gets *~ SoOoO MANY questions~*, but truthfully, aside from asking if I had a name picked out, everyone wanted to know what my maternity leave plans were!

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Design Briana Summers Design Briana Summers

2024 graphic design trend report

From more COLOR, intricate details, and experimental design treatments to interactive design, bold statements, and let’s not forget AI generated imagery here are our design trend predictions for the new year.

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Web Design Briana Summers Web Design Briana Summers

Why EVERY Business Needs a Website

It’s 2023 so whether you’re just starting out or have been in business for years, you need a website. If you’re still on the fence about starting a website, you’ll want to give this post a read. We’ll chat through the benefits of having a website, how soon you should create one, and which website platform you should use. Plus, we’ll cover the importance of hiring a website designer vs. taking a DIY approach too. With so many things to consider, this is the first step.

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