featured posts
welcome to the brighten made blog
get to know senior designer rachel
Kombucha enthusiast, reality tv fanatic, and avid runner — come meet one of our senior designers, Rachel Walter.
get to know our project manager and copy guru
Project manager, mama, writer, wife, organizing extraordinaire — these are just a few words to describe our Brighten Made project manager, Lauren Lowry.
how to avoid audience confusion with your branding
Are you doing one of these three major things that cause audience confusion and create less engagement with your brand!? Here’s how I can help.
my biggest advice to young designers
Put yourself out there and tell all your friends and family you’re hoping to start your own design business. You’d be surprised how many people will support you and want to see you succeed.
why you should be building a personal brand
Creating a successful business on social media doesn’t happen overnight. A few weeks ago I shared five of my tips to build your Instagram and attract dream clients, and now I’m back to touch on one of those tips a little more — sharing more than just client work.
5 tips to build your instagram and attract dream clients
Building your Instagram following is no easy feat. With the bulk of my leads coming from Instagram I like to think I’m doing something right. Over the last 3.5 years, I’ve built my following to more than 55.7k and have scored some MAJOR dream clients (cough, cough — Jenna Kutcher). So I’m here to share the love! Below are five of my tips to help you build up that Instagram following and attract your dream clients!!
how many colors should I have in my brand color palette?
I get this question all. the. time. I think the beautiful (and hard!) part of design is that there are no set rules. With that in mind, here are three guidelines I recommend following when selecting your brand color palette.
when to hire a brand designer
Calling all business owners who are starting a NEW biz — this one’s for you.
three tips to stay inspired when working from home
It’s no secret that the pandemic brought soooo many more people to the home office crew. Take it from someone who’s been at it for a while — setting yourself up for success to work from home is CRUCIAL. I’ve narrowed it down to three easy-to-follow tips that have helped me to stay inspired in my many years working from home and I hope they bring you some inspiration and motivated days ahead, too!
2021 year in review
As this year comes to a close, my inner enneagram 3 can’t help but look back on this past year and reflect (if you know, you know). It’s been such a season of growth and with the highs have come the lows.
the thing that changed my business
Do you struggle with getting clients to give you feedback on materials in a timely manner? Say PEACE OUT to scope creep, projects lasting months longer than they should’ve, and that overwhelming feeling of projects dragging on.
which website platform should you use?
A website is sooooo important to help extend your brand online and communicate with your audience about what you offer. We want to give your audience an amazing first impression and that starts with selecting the best website platform for your business. So, what platforms are out there and why do we choose the ones we do?